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what is marketing 50 discover the key development trends of marketing 50 in the digital eraWhat is Marketing 5.0? Discover the key development trends of marketing 5.0 in the digital era

Marketing isn't just about advertising or sales; it's about how businesses connect and create value for their customers. But when it comes to Marketing 5.0, many people may still be unfamiliar. This is not just a concept, but a major shift in marketing thinking, shaped by great advances in technology and human approaches. Let's explore with BENOCODE what Marketing 5.0 is and the main development trends so as not to miss the pace of development of the digital age!

what is the ask model how to apply the ask model in hr skills developmentWhat is the ASK model? How to apply the ASK model in HR skills development

In the HR 4.0 era, competency assessment is no longer subjective decisions from bosses, but needs to be based on clear and comprehensive criteria. This is the time when the ASK (Attitude – Skill – Knowledge) model has become an important tool to help businesses evaluate and improve HR skills professionally. Let BENOCODE help you apply ASK effectively, easily understandable and extremely practical.

top 10 most popular digital marketing tools todayTop 10 most popular Digital Marketing tools today

In the midst of the exciting 4.0 era, when family members talk about Digital Marketing, what are the really effective "weapons" to help you "hit" the hearts of customers? Honestly, there are a lot of great tools out there, but not everyone knows how to get the most out of them. Don't worry, BENOCODE will reveal a list of the 10 most popular Digital Marketing tools today – from illustrious names to potential applications that few people know about.

the younger generation in the age of ai master the technology or depend on itThe younger generation in the age of AI: Master the technology or depend on it?

In the age of AI, the younger generation is facing a major turning point: Mastering technology to "shine" like the sun or relying on it to "fade" like a flickering light bulb during a power outage? The younger generation in the AI era not only faces challenges from technological developments, but also has to find ways to turn AI from a "silent competitor" into a tool that helps speed up work. Instead of fearing that machines will "steal jobs", this is the time to learn how to understand, use and master AI, making it an effective assistant for your job.